发布时间:2024-01-10 10:23作者:来源: 浏览次数:
Notice on the Application for “2023 International Students’ Excellent Academic Papers Award” of Faculty of Education, Southwest University
In order to promote the output of high-level innovations, improve the quality of postgraduate programs, and guide and encourage international students to create and publish high-level papers with both academic and social value, the Faculty of Education of SWU decides to establish the “International Students’ Excellent Academic Papers Award”. The application for this Excellent Academic Papers Award in 2023 is hereby notified as follows:
BET体育365投注官网 “留学生优秀学术论文奖” 每年评选一次,对博士研究生和硕士研究生分别设立奖项。其中,博士研究生一等奖2项,二等奖4项,三等奖6项;硕士研究生一等奖1项,二等奖2项,三等奖3项。一等奖奖励500元,二等奖奖励300元,三等奖奖励200元(所有金额均以人民币计算)。
I. Award Categories
The "International Students’ Excellent Academic Papers Award" is held by the Faculty of Education of SWU once a year, and awards are set up for doctoral and master students respectively. The awards for doctoral students include 2 First Prizes, 4 Second Prizes and 6 Third Prizes; while for Master students there will be 1 First Prize, 2 Second Prizes and 3 Third Prizes. The prize money for First, Second and Third prizes is respectively RMB 500, RMB 300 and RMB 200.
1. 申请者须为BET体育365投注官网在读来华留学研究生;
2. 申请者必须是学术论文的第一作者,或申请者是第二作者且其指导教师(含副导师)是第一作者;共同第一作者须自行商量确定一人为申报人;
3. 第一作者及申请者的第一署名单位为BET体育365投注官网;
4. 违反中国法律法规、bet体育365官网正规校纪校规者,不得参加本次评选。
II. Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
1. Be postgraduates who are studying in the Faculty of Education, SWU;
2. Be the first author/co-first author of the academic paper, or the applicant is the second author and his/her supervisor (including the second supervisor) is the first author; the co-first authors must decide one of whom to be the applicant;
3. The Faculty of Education, Southwest University must be the first affiliation for both the first author and the applicant;
4. Students who have violated laws, regulations and rules of China and SWU in 2023 are not allowed to apply this award.
1. 论文于2022年12月11日至2023年12月31日期间完成或发表(包括打算投稿,正在审稿,已取得书面接受函,在线发表以及正式发表的论文),并且未曾参评过bet体育365官网正规发表优秀学术论文,或获得过bet体育365官网正规发表优秀学术论文的奖励;
2. 论文立论明确,方法规范,论据充分,结构完整,文笔流畅,具有一定的创新性,具备一定的学术价值和社会价值;
4. 同一篇论文仅限一位申报人申报;每位申报人只能申报一项成果。
III. Requirements for Academic Papers
The academic papers submitted by applicants who fulfill the above conditions must also meet the following requirements:
1. The paper should be completed or published between December 11, 2022 and December 31, 2023 (including papers completed but not submitted, submitted and under review, accepted, first online, and in print), and has not applied for Excellent Paper Award before, or has not received any types of excellent paper rewards by SWU.
2. The paper should have clear argumentation, scientific research methods, sufficient arguments and complete structure, with fluent language and in standard style. It is innovative and has certain academic value and social value.
3. The topic of the paper should be in the field of education or related to education. And the paper must be written in either Chinese or English.
4. Each paper can only be submitted once by one applicant; each applicant can only submit one of his or her paper for the award.
1. 申请者请在线填写《BET体育365投注官网2023年留学生优秀学术论文申报表》(网址:或扫描以下二维码填写),并按要求上传论文附件(包括期刊封面、目录、论文全文,如未正式发表请附接收函,PDF格式)。
2. 申请者必须保证参评论文及相关材料准确无误、真实可靠;在线提交时须本人进行电子签名确认。
3. 申报截止时间为2024年1月15日下午5点(北京时间),逾期不予受理。
IV. Application Procedures
1. Applicants should fill in the online “2023 International Students’ Excellent Academic Papers Application Form” (website: or scan QR Code in below to fill), and upload the paper according to the requirement (including journal covers, the content, the full paper in PDF format; if accepted but not assigned any issue numbers yet, please upload the acceptance letter).
2. Applicants must guarantee that the papers and relevant materials are accurate, authentic and reliable, and submit them online with applicants’ electronic signatures.
3. The deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m., January 15, 2024 (Beijing Time). Overdue submission will not be accepted.
1. 不重复奖励同一篇学术论文。
2. 坚决查处剽窃、抄袭、作弊等违反学术道德的不良行为,对经查实违反有关规定或学术道德的学术论文,将追回奖金及荣誉奖章(证书)。
V. Other Matters
1. One academic paper cannot be awarded repeatedly.
2. Plagiarism, cheating and other academic misconducts or violations of academic ethics are not tolerated. If the paper is found to have these issues, the award will be revoked and prize money will be recovered.
Faculty of Education, SWU
January 9, 2024
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The Faculty of Education , Southwest University